Laden Evenementen


We are very excited to invite you to join us for the 26th Australian and New Zealand Head and Neck Cancer Society’s Annual Scientific Meeting (ANZHNCS ASM) to be held at the Adelaide Convention Centre from Friday 29 – Sunday 31 August 2025.

The theme of the Adelaide ASM is “Shaping the Future of Head and Neck Cancer Treatment”.

Head and neck cancer has significant patient morbidity and mortality requiring complex multi-disciplinary care. This was the impetus for forming our society back in 1998 with the goal of promoting quality care for all head and neck cancer patients. The ASM brings us together to share our passion and expertise with the latest advances in the treatment of this terrible cancer. This is an exciting time for our patients with the emergence of new therapies such as immunotherapy, FLASH radiotherapy, de-escalation trials, new surgical technologies, and recognition of the importance of survivorship, improving surveillance, providing best supportive care, and improving the quality of life for our patients.

We hope to welcome you to Adelaide in August 2025!

To find out more about the ANZHNCS ASM 2025, please visit the meeting website.

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